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Our partners are making strides with us to end the challenges of feeding tube dependency, one family at a time. Please take a look at what they're doing for our community below.


FreeArm has partnered with FTF to provide our community with an extra hand, making tube feeding easier. The FreeArm®Muscle holds tube feeds and infusions at the hospital, home and on-the-go. The FreeArm®Muscle clamps to surfaces up to 2 inches thick, flat surfaces such as dining table and side tables and rounded bars such as the bars on a wheelchair, stroller or hospital crib. The FreeArm®Muscle’s bendable arm bends up easily to fit in your bag, making tube feeding and infusions a breeze!

Enter "FTF20" for 20% off at checkout.

Dysphagia Outreach Project

Dysphagia Outreach Project is a valued partner of The Feeding Tube Foundation. Together, our organizations have joined forces to provide support, education, and resources to the feeding tube community through allocated trust and mutually beneficial initiatives.

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